TXP Bylaws


Bylaws of the Tejas Pirates
As Amended & Restated 26 November, 2023


Since humanity formed the first towns and villages to reap the benefits of individual diversities of thought, talent, and time, warnings against faction and division have served as threats toward the free expression of those same diversities. Tools for change are just that, tools to be wielded to create the previously unimaginable or to destroy lives and communities. We will be no more able than previous generations to control the next idea or event than the monarchs were restricting the printing press or the intellectual property rentiers were censoring the open transmission of information on the internet.

Society is advanced when the fundamental liberties of the governed are not only protected but encouraged. Those who would seek protection from the free and open expression of their fellow citizens and neighbors sacrifice the freedoms that all democracies must hold dear; the right to self-determination, the right of free association, and the rights to equal protection and recognition before the law. When the essence of representative democracy has become a caricature of the original promises made to its people, it becomes a civic duty and moral obligation to campaign for change.

Texas has long held a special place in the American consciousness - frontiers always attract those who wish to push them along with the spirit of independence to build across the vast, open expanses. As the Tejas Pirates, we will stand to protect the frontiers from those seeking to plunder for their own benefit under false premises of public service. We do not know where the currents of history will flow but in all cases aspire to benefit the free and the brave while providing no safe harbor to the enemies of liberty.

Article I: Name and Purpose

Section 1: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Tejas Pirates, hereinafter referred to as the "Party."

Section 2: Purpose
The Party aims to promote civil liberties, digital rights, government transparency, and evidence-based policies. The Party seeks to protect and advance individual freedoms, advocate for open and participatory democracy, and address issues related to technology, intellectual property, privacy, and information sharing.

Article II: Membership

Section 1: Eligibility
Membership in the Party is open to all individuals who support the Party's core principles.

Section 2: Rights and Responsibilities
All members shall have the right to participate in Party activities, attend meetings, and vote in Party elections. Members are encouraged to contribute their ideas, skills, and expertise to further the Party's objectives.

Section 3: Termination of Membership
Membership may be terminated by voluntary resignation or by a two-thirds majority vote of the Party's leadership for actions inconsistent with the Party's principles or detrimental to its interests.

Article III: Party Structure

Section 1: Leadership
The Party shall have a leadership structure consisting of elected positions, including but not limited to a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer. Additional positions may be established as needed.

Section 2: Elections
Leadership positions shall be elected by Party members through a democratic voting process. Elections shall be held annually, and the terms of office shall be determined by the Party's bylaws or as specified during the election process.

Article IV: Party Meetings

Section 1: Regular Meetings
The Party shall hold regular meetings to discuss Party business, plan activities, and foster communication among members. The frequency and format of these meetings shall be determined by the Party's leadership.

Section 2: Special Meetings
Special meetings may be called by the Party's leadership or upon written request by a significant number of Party members. The purpose and agenda of special meetings shall be communicated to all members in advance.

Section 3: Rules & Quorum
Regular and Special Meetings shall be governed in accordance with the Roberts Rules of Order. A majority of the Leadership shall constitute quorum for the transaction of business. Leadership and General Members may attend and/or vote by written proxy provided to another Member who is in attendance at the meeting.

Article V: Party Platform

Section 1: Development and Adoption
The Party's platform shall be developed through a participatory process involving Party members. The Party’s platform should not deviate from the US Pirate Party’s Core Values. Proposed platform changes shall be subject to discussion, debate, and voting. The final platform shall reflect the collective decisions of the Party members.

Section 2: Amendment
The Party's platform may be amended by a democratic vote of Party members. Proposed amendments shall be provided to members in advance, and a reasonable period shall be given for discussion and voting.

Article VI: Amendments to the Bylaws

Section 1: Proposal and Approval
Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed by Party members and shall be subject to discussion, debate, and voting. Amendments require a two-thirds majority vote of Party members for approval.

Section 2: Notice
Proposed amendments shall be provided to members in advance, and a reasonable period shall be given for discussion and voting.

These bylaws provide a framework for the Tejas Pirates's operations, membership, leadership structure, meetings, platform development, and amendment processes. Feel free to customize and expand upon these bylaws to align with the specific needs and aspirations of the Tejas Pirates.