Saturday, December 9, 2023

USPP Pirates Party International Winter GA Updates


Pirates around the globe met together to commence the Pirates Party International Winter General Assembly with Keynote Speaker: Rick Falkvinge. Falkvinge gave pirates three big takeaways before going into a general Q&A.

The three points are:

  • Have Fun
  • Have Continuity
  • Educational Purpose

Sarai “Sopphey {V}ance” Oviedo is attending for the United States Pirate Party. Hoping to have more updates as the meeting continues.

End of General Assembly update. Great to meet other pirates and continue to build the pirate world we all deserve. V is now part of the newly elected board of PPI. Joe Onoroski is on the Court of Arbitration. Meeting minutes will be here:

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

PTP Statement of Congratulations Regarding USPP Swarmcare Manager Election

 November 28, 2023

The Provisional Texas Pirates extends a loud congratulations to Rowan Tipping of the Chicagoland/Illinois Pirate Party, the newly elected Swarmcare Manager of the US Pirate Party.

As highlighted by both candidates during the election discussions, caring for the swarm is caring for the people of both the national and state Pirate Parties, and the Tejas Piratas look forward to partnering with Rowan to expand the USPP’s membership and reach.

- Provision Texas Pirate Steering Committee

Monday, October 23, 2023

Call For Peace

We, the Provisional Texas Pirates, Tejas Piratas, stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine in their struggle for liberation.

Being pro-Palestine and against antisemitism go hand in hand. All systems of oppression reinforce one another, and none can be fought in isolation. As we condemn the Holocaust, we will also condemn the Nakba.

The echoes of the previous generation’s colonialism and empire building ring through in the warfare over the peoples of Palestine. The continued subsidization of the global war machine via equipment transfers and direct taxpayer funding must stop. It is unconscionable, inhumane, and a United Nations-defined war crime when food, water, and access to medical aid are cut off from a people.

If we can overcome the forces that want to drive a wedge between us and our fellow global citizens, we can overcome the inhumanity of war and terrorism. Atrocities continue to happen long after the news cameras and aid crews have left. All life is valid. All people deserve the autonomy to live a dignified and humane life.

We call for an end to all genocide.

We call upon the government and people of the United States to boycott, divest from, and sanction the State of Israel until such time as it withdraws from all occupied territory.

We call for peace.

We call for justice.